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News : The Consultative Group of Experts Undeterred in Providing Support Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Technical resources for implementing the measurement, reporting and verification arrangements under the Convention and the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement.
The Consultative Group of Experts Undeterred in Providing Support Amid COVID-19 Crisis

The Consultative Group of Experts (CGE), mandated to provide technical support and advice to developing countries improve their capacities to implement the existing MRV arrangements under the Convention and the ETF under the Paris Agreement has underlined its commitment to deliver its mandate and work despite the COVID-19 pandemic.  To this extent,  The CGE convened an ad-hoc virtual meeting on 14 April 2020 from 14:30 – 16:30 CET (Bonn time) to assess the potential impact of on-going worldwide effects of COVID-19 on its 2020 work plan and discussed how the potential impacts could be managed. The CGE will continue assessing such potential impacts as the situation unfolds and take necessary measures to ensure successful implementation of its workplan.

This level of commitment is critically important given that the current MRV system is set to transition to ETF under the Paris Agreement, which will increasingly require more detailed reporting by all countries. Learn more about the CGE continued commitment here and  the adjustments made to its 2020 workplan in the light of COVID-19 is here.
CGE reinforces committment to its mandate and convenes an ad-hoc virtual meeting to assess the potential impact of COVID-19 on its 2020 workplan.